Assessing Board Performance — Navicet

The Client

A medium co-op retailer

Results that Matter

We illuminated untapped opportunities to accelerate Board Members' professional development and enhance team performance.

Making informed, high quality decisions as a Board of Directors means building a practice of surfacing hidden assumptions, challenging biases, and getting closer to the data to understand what’s really happening.

Our assessment helped Trustees more clearly understand their current state, create an optimistic vision for their future, and work together to build high quality strategies that better serve the mission and vision of their organization.

How We Did It

We started by interviewing Board Members to listen for hidden assumptions and beliefs that show up in meetings, daily work, programs, systems, and services. We surfaced shared goals and key opportunities for improvement.

We synthesized what we heard and articulated our findings in the form of themes and trends, prioritized by magnitude of opportunity and potential risk to the Board and the business. We invited board members into a collaborative design process to explore what's possible and to inspire the continuation of research and design.

We created a systems diagram to demonstrate which small investments would have the biggest impact with the lowest cost. We identified leading indicators of success that contribute to the long-term outcomes the Board hopes to create.

When: 2018

